
"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go.... thanks Dr. Seuss

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Nov.17th -19th Home again, home again, jiggity jig

great to be back in NY? 
       To market, to market to buy a fat pig.  In this case, a fat turkey as Thanksgiving is just around the corner. But before I get to that let me finish my travel saga.  The last day of the journey dawned in Staunton VA ....sunny of course! It was a long drive without a lot of romance to it. I did get off the beaten path at one point and was in Virginia, West Virginia and Maryland all in one mile as I crisscrossed the Potomac River. I sat in the parking lot of the Cracker Barrel in Mt. Holly NJ and fast-forwarded thru my John Grisham novel so I could turn it in. It was lousy anyway.
     Pulled onto Ferncliff Road about 5:30 and there was a deer waiting in the middle of the road for me. He looked just like the fellow I saw at Yellowstone with the Bearman about 5 weeks ago. I tried to take his picture and he waited patiently but unfortunately it was too dark. You'll just have to take my word for it.
     Riley and my friend Meg who has been watching him for me were there to greet me. Riley did not greet me with the wild cartwheels and backward flips I had so hoped for. More of an "oh, shes back" and a look at Meg as if to say "so now the fun is over." I'm plying him with treats and long walks so I'll soon be his favorite again.
     Yesterday Lucy hosted a reunion lunch with the local ladies who had hoped to join me in New Orleans but weren't able to. All was made right with a great afternoon of stories, music and wine. I made them listen to my road trip music cd. and gave them each a "necklace wineglass holder" straight from Chateau Elan winery in Georgia. It takes a certain type to appreciate a gift like this and they didn't disappoint as you can see in the picture. Why didn't I invent the hands free wineglass holder?
Jean, Lucy, Carol, Rosannah, moi and Susan
     This is the part where I'm supposed to write about what I've learned on my travels and the meaning of life, etc. I often turned the music/tape off and thought "okay, lets think about things." Within five minutes my mind usually wandered and I'd say oh hell, and turn the music back on. Not that I'm incapable of serious thought but there were no thunderbolts. Maybe just a sense of calm and simplicity, and peace. Not that this trip hasn't been the most unique thing I've ever done. This wasn't a "drive." It was an adventure. The freedom to do whatever, go wherever, stop or not stop, eat, get lost, was empowering and liberating. I'm proud of myself, I don't think many woman my age could do this. But thats not the point. Heres a quote from Mark Twain which explains it  "twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Explore. Dream. Discover." So, to those who said they'd like to do something like this....just do it. It doesn't have to be 8 weeks. Get a map, figure where you haven't been that sounds like fun, ask a friend, change your oil and go. 
     I have no answer for what I liked best, what was my favorite. The vastness and beauty of the United States is indescribable. All right, maybe my very favorite experiences were the times driving across the wide open desert, plain, or prairie with mountains in the distance, sun and blue sky and a train going by. Indescribable. 
     I feel like an author writing the "acknowledgments" at the end of his novel. I'd like to thank my Toyota for never running out of gas even when the needle was way below E. I'd like to thank my GPS and Iphone for always knowing where I was, and lastly my ipod for hours of inspiring tunes. Oh, can't forget the cooler with a bottomless supply of peanut butter crackers when my right hand went rooting around in it on the back seat. 
     "A journey is best measured in friends, rather than miles." (Tim Cahill.) I am a lucky lady and blessed to be able to take a trip like this and have the wonderful friends to do it with. To all my good, good friends who opened their homes to me, Dale and Dan, JoAnn, Al and Toni, Steph and Bob, Betsy and Andy, Taylor, Kathy and Marty, Meg, Blair and are each so special to me. As they say on the rez, "pilamaya." (Thank you!)
     It took courage to ride shotgun with me. On a rare occasion as I tossed them the map, I was known to snap at my partners "which right? what? jeez, tell me sooner..." "Connie, the maps upside down!" I'd go anywhere with these women and am sure we will take more trips together.  Thanks Dale (Louise), Connie, and Lynn and Hats. What happened on the trip stays on the trip.
     MILEAGE CONTEST!!!!   And the winner is.......Lynn Murray.  I drove 9,199 miles. Lynn was closest at 9360 (missing by 161 miles).Tom Yobage is runner up at 8950 (missing by 249). Lynn wins a lovely Navajo blanket from Santa Fe. Tom wins my sincere thanks for participating and maybe a latte at Starbucks. Woops, Pete is actually runner up but he probably cheated.
     So, till next time, happy trails to all of you......I can't wait to get on the road again...  Jane


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